Can you help with an emergency airline ticket.?
Of course! Our team has been trained and equipped with the necessary assistance that can be required when filing for emergency airline ticket.
How is SkyRoute as compared to other services?
SkyRoute competes well with the other services that are there in the industry. We offer tickets at much lower rates for both, international and domestic travel. We are not owned or affiliated with any single airline.
What if I want to make a special request about the flight?
Most airlines are now offering special services, like a special meal or a wheel chair at the time of purchasing the ticket . You can make your request to the representative at the time of reservation.
What about booking for an infant?
In the United States while travelling locally, a child is not charged under the age of 2 years as long as the child is sitting in an elder’s lap. While travelling internationally air services charge some percentage of a full seat fare.